Student Visa Successful Case 12 Subclass 500 Successfully Approved Within 7 Days

Visa Type
Student Visa Subclass 500

Decision Date
19 May 2023

Case Summary

The applicant is a 50-year-old single mother holding a Subclass 590 Dependent Visa, accompanying her daughter in Australia for high school. Once her daughter reached adulthood, the applicant applied for a tourist visa, allowing her to occasionally visit her daughter in Australia. Subsequently, the applicant expressed a desire to stay in Australia.

The applicant’s higher education qualifications from China are not recognized in Australia. Despite being of advanced age, the applicant still aspires to study culinary arts. Before approaching us, she consulted with numerous peers, who advised against applying for a student visa. The reasons cited included her advanced age, being over 50, having an undergraduate degree, and the perceived high risks associated with transitioning to a student visa.

When the applicant decided to initiate the application process, there were less than two weeks remaining until her tourist visa expired, making it a very tight timeline. During this period, she had to communicate with the school, coordinate with the case officer, assist in school selection, urge the school to issue an offer, and obtain the Confirmation of Enrollment (CoE). The case officer is meticulous and has unique professional habits, setting high standards for the application materials, which aligned well with our capabilities.

The application was successfully approved within seven days after submission.