ANZSCO 254425
ANZSCO 254425
Registered Nurse (Paediatric)
254425 注册护士(儿科)职业描述 Job description
Provides nursing care to children of all ages, including neonates, across a range of health and community settings with an emphasis on assessing children’s acute and ongoing needs while taking into account physical, social, cultural and family circumstances. Registration or licensing is required.
New occupation to the CSOL
254425 注册护士(儿科)职位别名
● 无
254425 注册护士(儿科)技术等级 Skill level
● 注册护士(儿科)的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)。
254425 注册护士(儿科)所属职业列表
SOL – 澳洲技术移民职业列表 Skilled Occupation List
254425 注册护士(儿科)澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority
● ANMAC – 澳大利亚的护理及助产学认可委员会 Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council:A类雅思总分不低于7,2年有效期;至少3年全日制本科学历.
254425 注册护士(儿科)新西兰技术移民紧缺职业加分要求
● 不属于新西兰绝对紧缺职业
254425 注册护士(儿科)执业注册要求(非移民要求)
Registration or licensing is required.
● Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia